New (Academic) Year, New Website

I’m heading back into the new academic year after a year-long sabbatical—my first after 15 years of teaching.

Over the last year, I made important advancements on my two big research projects: my National Science Foundation gender-based asylum project and and my immigration federalism book manuscript. On the NSF project, our entire team finished systematically collecting information on the adjudicators, asylum applicants, and case fact patterns across 278 immigration judge opinions and 178 Board of Immigration Appeals decisions. I also finalized the colonial chapter of my book, and researched and drafted the Revolutionary War chapter.

What I realized is that as much as I wanted to share these two works in progress (as well as my other work), academic institution websites aren’t really all that flexible for that purpose. So, I decided it was time to take charge of my digital presence and have my own website to highlight what I value and what I think is important in my academic journey.

Big thanks to Brigid Barrett, digital designer extraordinaire (who is also fluent in academic), for coming up with a concept and design to highlight the projects I’ve spent the last year on, as well as the work of the Kurz Chair.

I’ll keep updating this website as my research progresses and I’ll write blog posts about my research, the upcoming Kurz Chair events, my speaking engagements and my occasional opinion piece in the media. I may even offer a take on the news here and there even though not much is going on these days on the immigration, race, and constitutional law fronts.

Allen McDuffee